ACADEMICS, CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT Action Consider Approval of Chief Academic Officer for Secondary Schools
HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Consider Approval of Renewal and Extension of Employment Contracts under Chapter 21 of the Texas Education Code for Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Library Media Specialists and Nurses
Personnel (Executive Session may be called under the authority of the Texas Government Code Section 551.074) i. Resignations of Personnel ii. Employment of Personnel
4. FINANCE, OPERATIONS & TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Information Discussion of Bond Update and Project Timelines 6. ADJOURNMENT
ACADEMICS, CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT Action Consider Approval of Chief Academic Officer for Secondary Schools
HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Consider Approval of Renewal and Extension of Employment Contracts under Chapter 21 of the Texas Education Code for Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Library Media Specialists and Nurses
Personnel (Executive Session may be called under the authority of the Texas Government Code Section 551.074) i. Resignations of Personnel ii. Employment of Personnel
4. FINANCE, OPERATIONS & TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Information Discussion of Bond Update and Project Timelines 6. ADJOURNMENT