1. CALL TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM Presenter: Jon Bailey, President, Board of Trustees 3. PLEDGES OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Presenter: Leigh Plagens, Member, Board of Trustees
BUDGET & PROPOSED TAX RATE PUBLIC HEARING Presenter: David Carter, Senior, Chief Financial Officer
RECOGNITION Presenter: Dr. John (JJ) Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools A. Recognize Stephanie Adams Past President of the Board of Trustees Presenter: Jon Bailey, President, Board of Trustees & Dr. John (JJ) Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools B. Recognize Rockwall ISD Mentors Presenter: Dr. Tom Maglisceau, Chief Student Services Officer C. Recognize the Rockwall ISD Finance Department for Receiving the Government Finance Officer Association (GFOA) Award Presenter: David Carter, Senior, Chief Financial Officer D. Recognize the Rockwall ISD Finance Department for Receiving the Association of School Business Officials (ASBO) International Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting for the Fiscal Year Ending 2018 Presenter: David Carter, Senior, Chief Financial Officer
EXECUTIVE SESSION Presenter: Jon Bailey, President, Board of Trustees A. Real Property To deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, of real property if deliberation in and open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the Board's position in negotiations with a third person (Texas Government Code 551.072) B. Personnel To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, including Board members, or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee (Texas Government Code 551.074) C. Consultation with Attorney To consult with its attorney when the Board seeks advice about pending or contemplated litigation or a settlement offer, or when the attorney will have an ethical duty of confidentiality (Texas Government Code 551.074)
PRESIDENT'S REPORT Presenter: Jon Bailey, President, Board of Trustees A. Action Consider Approval of Delegate and Alternate for Texas Association of School Administrators/Texas Association of School Board's Conference in Dallas, Texas Presenter: Jon Bailey, President, Board of Trustees B. Information Texas Association of School Board's Summer Leadership Institute Update Presenter: Jon Bailey, President, Board of Trustees
SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT Presenter: Dr. John (JJ) Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools A. Information Superintendent's Update Presenter: Dr. John (JJ) Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools
COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT Presenter: Renae Murphy, Chief Communication Officer A. Information K-12 Insight District Climate Survey Results Presenter: Renae Murphy, Chief Communication Officer
CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT Presenter: Dr. Amy Anderson, Chief Academic Officer, Elementary, Dr. Mary Johnston, Chief Academic Officer, Elementary, Dr. Amy Ellis, Executive Director of Curriculum K-12 A. Information STAAR and End of Course (EOC) Update Presenter: Dr. Amy Ellis, Executive Director of Curriculum & Instruction K-12 B. Action Consider Approval of Grading Guidelines 2019-2020 Presenter: Dr. Amy Anderson, Chief Academic Officer, Secondary C. Action Consider Approval of Updates to Texas Association of School Board Policies for EIC(Local) and EIE(Local), and EIA(Local) Presenter: Dr. Amy Anderson, Chief Academic Officer, Secondary
STUDENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Presenter: Dr. Tom Maglisceau, Chief Student Services Officer Information School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Annual Update Presenter: Dr. Tom Maglisceau, Chief Student Services Officer
Action Consider Approval of Amendment to Texas Association of School Board's Policy DNA(Local) Performance Appraisal, Evaluation of Teachers Presenter: Dr. Tom Maglisceau, Chief Student Services Officer
Action Consider Approval of Amendment to Texas Association of School Board's Policy FDA(Local) Admissions, Interdistrict Transfer Presenter: Dr. Tom Maglisceau, Chief Student Services Officer
Action Consider Approval of Amendment to Texas Association of School Board's Policy FFAC(Local) (Wellness & Health Services-Medical Treatment) Presenter: Dr. Tom Maglisceau, Chief Student Services Officer
FINANCE, OPERATIONS AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer Action Consider Approval of Adopting the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year Annual Budget for the General Fund, Child Nutrition Fund and the Debt Service FUnd Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer
Action Consider Approval of Construction Materials Testing for the Elementary School No. 15 Project Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer
Action Consider Acceptance of Project Completion for Bond Construction Project, Dobbs Elementary School Replacement Project Presenter: David Carter, Senior, Chief Financial Officer
Action Consider Approval of Proposals Received for Proposal No. 1819.05-001 Fresh Pizza Delivery Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer
13. CONSENT AGENDA Presenter: Dr. John (JJ) VIllarreal, Superintendent of Schools, David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer, Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resources A. Minutes of Regular Sessions held on April 15, 2019 and May 20, 2019, Special Session/Work Session May 6, 2019, May 20, 2019 Photo Shoot, and Work Session/Special Session on May 28, 2019 Presenter: Dr. John (JJ) Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools B. May Financial Highlights Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer C. May Financial Report Presenter: David Carter, Senior, Chief Financial Officer D. June Budget Amendments Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer E. May Purchasing Co-op Report Presenter: David Carter, Senior, Chief Financial Officer F. Personnel (Executive Session may be called under the authority of the Texas Government Code Section 551.074) i. Resignations of Personnel ii. Employment of Personnel Presenter: Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resources G. Consider Approval of UT OnRamps Dual Credit Cooperative Agreements Presenter: Dr. Amy Anderson, Chief Academic Officer, Secondary H. Acceptance of Donations Presenter: Dr. John (JJ) Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools 14. ADJOURNMENT Presenter: Jon Bailey, President, Board of Trustees
1. CALL TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM Presenter: Jon Bailey, President, Board of Trustees 3. PLEDGES OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Presenter: Leigh Plagens, Member, Board of Trustees
BUDGET & PROPOSED TAX RATE PUBLIC HEARING Presenter: David Carter, Senior, Chief Financial Officer
RECOGNITION Presenter: Dr. John (JJ) Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools A. Recognize Stephanie Adams Past President of the Board of Trustees Presenter: Jon Bailey, President, Board of Trustees & Dr. John (JJ) Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools B. Recognize Rockwall ISD Mentors Presenter: Dr. Tom Maglisceau, Chief Student Services Officer C. Recognize the Rockwall ISD Finance Department for Receiving the Government Finance Officer Association (GFOA) Award Presenter: David Carter, Senior, Chief Financial Officer D. Recognize the Rockwall ISD Finance Department for Receiving the Association of School Business Officials (ASBO) International Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting for the Fiscal Year Ending 2018 Presenter: David Carter, Senior, Chief Financial Officer
EXECUTIVE SESSION Presenter: Jon Bailey, President, Board of Trustees A. Real Property To deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, of real property if deliberation in and open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the Board's position in negotiations with a third person (Texas Government Code 551.072) B. Personnel To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, including Board members, or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee (Texas Government Code 551.074) C. Consultation with Attorney To consult with its attorney when the Board seeks advice about pending or contemplated litigation or a settlement offer, or when the attorney will have an ethical duty of confidentiality (Texas Government Code 551.074)
PRESIDENT'S REPORT Presenter: Jon Bailey, President, Board of Trustees A. Action Consider Approval of Delegate and Alternate for Texas Association of School Administrators/Texas Association of School Board's Conference in Dallas, Texas Presenter: Jon Bailey, President, Board of Trustees B. Information Texas Association of School Board's Summer Leadership Institute Update Presenter: Jon Bailey, President, Board of Trustees
SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT Presenter: Dr. John (JJ) Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools A. Information Superintendent's Update Presenter: Dr. John (JJ) Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools
COMMUNICATIONS DEPARTMENT Presenter: Renae Murphy, Chief Communication Officer A. Information K-12 Insight District Climate Survey Results Presenter: Renae Murphy, Chief Communication Officer
CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT Presenter: Dr. Amy Anderson, Chief Academic Officer, Elementary, Dr. Mary Johnston, Chief Academic Officer, Elementary, Dr. Amy Ellis, Executive Director of Curriculum K-12 A. Information STAAR and End of Course (EOC) Update Presenter: Dr. Amy Ellis, Executive Director of Curriculum & Instruction K-12 B. Action Consider Approval of Grading Guidelines 2019-2020 Presenter: Dr. Amy Anderson, Chief Academic Officer, Secondary C. Action Consider Approval of Updates to Texas Association of School Board Policies for EIC(Local) and EIE(Local), and EIA(Local) Presenter: Dr. Amy Anderson, Chief Academic Officer, Secondary
STUDENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Presenter: Dr. Tom Maglisceau, Chief Student Services Officer Information School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Annual Update Presenter: Dr. Tom Maglisceau, Chief Student Services Officer
Action Consider Approval of Amendment to Texas Association of School Board's Policy DNA(Local) Performance Appraisal, Evaluation of Teachers Presenter: Dr. Tom Maglisceau, Chief Student Services Officer
Action Consider Approval of Amendment to Texas Association of School Board's Policy FDA(Local) Admissions, Interdistrict Transfer Presenter: Dr. Tom Maglisceau, Chief Student Services Officer
Action Consider Approval of Amendment to Texas Association of School Board's Policy FFAC(Local) (Wellness & Health Services-Medical Treatment) Presenter: Dr. Tom Maglisceau, Chief Student Services Officer
FINANCE, OPERATIONS AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer Action Consider Approval of Adopting the 2019-2020 Fiscal Year Annual Budget for the General Fund, Child Nutrition Fund and the Debt Service FUnd Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer
Action Consider Approval of Construction Materials Testing for the Elementary School No. 15 Project Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer
Action Consider Acceptance of Project Completion for Bond Construction Project, Dobbs Elementary School Replacement Project Presenter: David Carter, Senior, Chief Financial Officer
Action Consider Approval of Proposals Received for Proposal No. 1819.05-001 Fresh Pizza Delivery Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer
13. CONSENT AGENDA Presenter: Dr. John (JJ) VIllarreal, Superintendent of Schools, David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer, Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resources A. Minutes of Regular Sessions held on April 15, 2019 and May 20, 2019, Special Session/Work Session May 6, 2019, May 20, 2019 Photo Shoot, and Work Session/Special Session on May 28, 2019 Presenter: Dr. John (JJ) Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools B. May Financial Highlights Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer C. May Financial Report Presenter: David Carter, Senior, Chief Financial Officer D. June Budget Amendments Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer E. May Purchasing Co-op Report Presenter: David Carter, Senior, Chief Financial Officer F. Personnel (Executive Session may be called under the authority of the Texas Government Code Section 551.074) i. Resignations of Personnel ii. Employment of Personnel Presenter: Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resources G. Consider Approval of UT OnRamps Dual Credit Cooperative Agreements Presenter: Dr. Amy Anderson, Chief Academic Officer, Secondary H. Acceptance of Donations Presenter: Dr. John (JJ) Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools 14. ADJOURNMENT Presenter: Jon Bailey, President, Board of Trustees