HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Action Consider Approval of Renewal and Extension of Employment Contracts under Chapter 21 of the Texas Education Code for Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Library Media Specialists and Nurses
FINANCE, OPERATIONS & TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Action Consider Acceptance of Project Completion for Technology Bond Project, Upgrade District-Wide VoIP Phone System
B. Information Budget Planning • Legislative Updates • Review Preliminary Taxable Value Projections 5. ADJOURNMENT
HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Action Consider Approval of Renewal and Extension of Employment Contracts under Chapter 21 of the Texas Education Code for Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Library Media Specialists and Nurses
FINANCE, OPERATIONS & TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Action Consider Acceptance of Project Completion for Technology Bond Project, Upgrade District-Wide VoIP Phone System
B. Information Budget Planning • Legislative Updates • Review Preliminary Taxable Value Projections 5. ADJOURNMENT