1. CALL TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM Presenter: Stephanie Adams, President, Board of Trustees 2. PLEDGES OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Presenter: Stephanie Adams, President, Board of Trustees
RECOGNITION Presenter: Dr. John (JJ) Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools A. Recognition of the RISD Education Foundation's Elementary Robotics Presenter: Ashlei Neill, Rockwall ISD Foundation Director B. Recognition for Rockwall-Heath High School Cheer Team, NCA National Champions for Intermediate Large Classification Presenter: Chris Kosterman, Director of Fine Arts C. Recognize Rockwall ISD Financial Office for the Award of Merit for Purchasing Operations from the Texas Associaton of School Business Officials (TASBO) Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer D. Recognize Rockwall ISD Finance Office Receivingt the Association of School Business Officials (ASBO) International Certificate of Excellence in Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ending 2017 Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer E. Recognize the Communications Department for Awards from the Texas School Public Relations Association Presenter: Renae Murphy, Chief Communications Officer
EXECUTIVE SESSION Presenter: Stephanie Adams, President, Board of Trustees A. Real Property To Deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the Board's position in negotiations with a third person (Texas Government Code 551.072) B. Personnel To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, including Board members, or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee (Texas Government Code 551.074) C. Consulationa with Attorney To consult with its attorney when the Board seeks advice about pending or comtemplated litigation or a settlement officer, or when the attorney will have an ethical duty of confidentiality (Texas Government Code 551.071)
PRESIDENT'S REPORT Presenter: Stephanie Adams, President, Board of Trustees A. Consider Approval of the Superintendent's Evaluation Presenter: Stephanie Adams, President, Board of Trustees
*A portion of this video is without audio* CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT Presenter: Dr. Mary Johnston, Chief Academic Officer, Elementary Information Elementary UIL Update Presenter: Jennifer Leal, Gifted and Talanted Coordinator/Linda Lyon SAGE Teacher
Information English as a Second Language (ESL) / Bilingual Program Update Presenter: Dr. Mary Johnston, Chief Academic Officer, Elementary and Patti Martinez, Bilingual/ESL Coordinator
SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT Presenter: Dr. John (JJ) Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools A. Information District Update Presenter: Dr. John (JJ) Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools
FINANCE, OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT Presenter: David Carter, Chief Financial Officer Action Consider Approval of the Purchase of Equipment and Service for Network In-frastructure at the Dr. Gene Burton College and Career Academy and the new Howard Dobbs Elementary School Presenter: David Carter, Senior Financial Officer and Riyad Alsaid, Executive Director of Technology
Action Consider Acceptance of Project Completion for Bond Construction Projects, Cain Middle School Parking Lot Project Presenter: Daivd Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer
Action Consider Acceptance of Project Completion for Bond Construction Projects, Indoor Turf Replacement Projects Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer
Action Consider Acceptance of Project Completion fro Bond Construction Projects, Rockwall-Heath High School TV Studio Upgrades Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer
Action Consider Approval of Proposals Received for Moving Services for Bond Construction Projects Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer
Action Consider Approval of Proposals Received for Bond Construction Projects, Carpet Replacement Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer
STUDENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Presenter: Dr. Tom Maglisceau, Chief Student Services Officer Action Consider Approval of the Certification of Unopposed Candidates Presenter: Dr. Tom Maglisceau, Chief Student Services Officer
Action Consider Approval of the Order of Cancellation for the May 5, 2018 Board of Trustees Election for Place 1, Place 2, and Place 3 Presenter: Dr. Tom Maglisceau, Chief Student Services Officer
CONSIDER APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Presenter: Dr. John (JJ) Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools, David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer, Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resources, A. Minutes of Regular Session held on February 19, 2018 and a Work Session held on March 5, 2018 Presenter: Dr. John (JJ) Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools B. February Financial Reports Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer C. Personnel (Executive Session may be called under the authority of the Texas Government Code Section 551.074) i. Resignations of Personnel Presenter: Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resources D. March Budget Amendments Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer E. Acceptance of District Donations
1. CALL TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM Presenter: Stephanie Adams, President, Board of Trustees 2. PLEDGES OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Presenter: Stephanie Adams, President, Board of Trustees
RECOGNITION Presenter: Dr. John (JJ) Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools A. Recognition of the RISD Education Foundation's Elementary Robotics Presenter: Ashlei Neill, Rockwall ISD Foundation Director B. Recognition for Rockwall-Heath High School Cheer Team, NCA National Champions for Intermediate Large Classification Presenter: Chris Kosterman, Director of Fine Arts C. Recognize Rockwall ISD Financial Office for the Award of Merit for Purchasing Operations from the Texas Associaton of School Business Officials (TASBO) Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer D. Recognize Rockwall ISD Finance Office Receivingt the Association of School Business Officials (ASBO) International Certificate of Excellence in Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ending 2017 Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer E. Recognize the Communications Department for Awards from the Texas School Public Relations Association Presenter: Renae Murphy, Chief Communications Officer
EXECUTIVE SESSION Presenter: Stephanie Adams, President, Board of Trustees A. Real Property To Deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease, of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the Board's position in negotiations with a third person (Texas Government Code 551.072) B. Personnel To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, including Board members, or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee (Texas Government Code 551.074) C. Consulationa with Attorney To consult with its attorney when the Board seeks advice about pending or comtemplated litigation or a settlement officer, or when the attorney will have an ethical duty of confidentiality (Texas Government Code 551.071)
PRESIDENT'S REPORT Presenter: Stephanie Adams, President, Board of Trustees A. Consider Approval of the Superintendent's Evaluation Presenter: Stephanie Adams, President, Board of Trustees
*A portion of this video is without audio* CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT Presenter: Dr. Mary Johnston, Chief Academic Officer, Elementary Information Elementary UIL Update Presenter: Jennifer Leal, Gifted and Talanted Coordinator/Linda Lyon SAGE Teacher
Information English as a Second Language (ESL) / Bilingual Program Update Presenter: Dr. Mary Johnston, Chief Academic Officer, Elementary and Patti Martinez, Bilingual/ESL Coordinator
SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT Presenter: Dr. John (JJ) Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools A. Information District Update Presenter: Dr. John (JJ) Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools
FINANCE, OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT Presenter: David Carter, Chief Financial Officer Action Consider Approval of the Purchase of Equipment and Service for Network In-frastructure at the Dr. Gene Burton College and Career Academy and the new Howard Dobbs Elementary School Presenter: David Carter, Senior Financial Officer and Riyad Alsaid, Executive Director of Technology
Action Consider Acceptance of Project Completion for Bond Construction Projects, Cain Middle School Parking Lot Project Presenter: Daivd Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer
Action Consider Acceptance of Project Completion for Bond Construction Projects, Indoor Turf Replacement Projects Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer
Action Consider Acceptance of Project Completion fro Bond Construction Projects, Rockwall-Heath High School TV Studio Upgrades Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer
Action Consider Approval of Proposals Received for Moving Services for Bond Construction Projects Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer
Action Consider Approval of Proposals Received for Bond Construction Projects, Carpet Replacement Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer
STUDENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Presenter: Dr. Tom Maglisceau, Chief Student Services Officer Action Consider Approval of the Certification of Unopposed Candidates Presenter: Dr. Tom Maglisceau, Chief Student Services Officer
Action Consider Approval of the Order of Cancellation for the May 5, 2018 Board of Trustees Election for Place 1, Place 2, and Place 3 Presenter: Dr. Tom Maglisceau, Chief Student Services Officer
CONSIDER APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Presenter: Dr. John (JJ) Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools, David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer, Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resources, A. Minutes of Regular Session held on February 19, 2018 and a Work Session held on March 5, 2018 Presenter: Dr. John (JJ) Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools B. February Financial Reports Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer C. Personnel (Executive Session may be called under the authority of the Texas Government Code Section 551.074) i. Resignations of Personnel Presenter: Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resources D. March Budget Amendments Presenter: David Carter, Senior Chief Financial Officer E. Acceptance of District Donations