1. CALL TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH QUORUM Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees 3. PLEDGES OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees
RECOGNITION Presenter: Dr. John Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools A. Recognize Rockwall High School Student who has been accepted to the United States Naval Academy B. Recognize Rockwall High School Student who has been accepted to the United States Air Force Academy C. Recognize Career-Technology Education (CTE) Agriculture Students Presenter: Jean Laswell, CTE Coordinator D. Recognize the Rockwall ISD Finance Department for Receiving the Association of School Business Officials (ASBO) International Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting for the Fiscal Year Ending 2016 Presenter: Renae Murphy, Chief Communication Officer E. Recognize Rockwall ISD Leadership Academy Class of 2017 Presenter: Renae Murphy, Chief Communication Officer F. Recognize Educational Foundation 2017 Spring Grant Recipients Presenter: Ashlei Neill, Foundation Director
8B. Action Consideration of Employment of Principal for Dorothy Smith Pullen Elementary Schools Presenter: Dr. Amy Anderson, Chief Administrative Officer, Elementary 8C. Action Consideration of Employment of Principal for Maurine Cain Middle School Presenter: Billy Pringle, Chief Administrative Office, Secondary
TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Presenter: Dr. Donna Fisher, Chief Technology Officer A. Action Consideration of Employment for Executive Director of Technology Presenter: Dr. Donna Fisher, Chief Technology Officer
PRESIDENT"S REPORT Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees A. Action Consider Approval of the Superintendent's Evaluation Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees B. Action Consider Approval of the 2017-2018 Calendar Dates for the Board of Trustees Regulars Meetings and Work Sessions Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees
SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT Presenter: Dr. John Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools A. Action Consider Approval of the Date Change for June Work Session to be June 12, 2017 Presenter: Dr. John Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools B. Action Consider Approval of the Date Change for the June Regular Meeting to be June 26, 2017 Presenter: Dr. John Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools C. Information Superintendent's Report Presenter: Dr. John Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools
ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Presenter: Dr. Amy Anderson, Chief Administrative Officer, Elementary & Billy Pringle, Cheif Administrative Officer, Secondary A. Action Consider Approval of Texas Association of School Board's (TASB) Policy Manual Update 107 Presenter: Billy Pringle, Chief Administrative Officer, Secondary
FINANCE, OPERTIONS AND HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer A. Action Consider and Take Possible Action on Renewal and Extension of Employment Contracts Under Chapter 21 of the Texas Education Code for Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Media Specialists, and Nurses Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer B. Action Consider and Take Possible Action on Renewal of Employment Contract for Non-Chapter 21 Personnel Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer C. Action Consider All Matters Incident and Related to the Issuance and Sale of "Rockwall Independent School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2017", Establishing Parameters for the Sale and Issuance of Such Bonds and Delegating Certain Matters to Authorized Officials of the District. Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer D. Action Consider Approval of the Rockwall ISD Bank Depository Contract for Funds (RFP 1617.02- 003) Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer E. Action Consider Approval of Rockwall ISD Financial Audit Services Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer F. Action Consider Approval of the Rockwall ISD Health Center Non-extension of Agreement Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer G. Action Consider Approval of the Third Party Administrator for Employee Benefits Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer H. Action Consider Approval of Resolutions to Participate in ESC Region 10 Cooperatives for 403(b), 457 and 457(b) FICA Alternative Plans by Inter-local Agreements Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer I. Action Consider Approval of March Financial Report Presenter: Randy McDowelll, Chief Financial Officer J. Action Consider Approval of Awarding Bid for Rockwall-Heath High School Cooling Tower Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer and James Watson, Executive Director of Operations K. Consider Approval of Professional Services and Project Delivery/Contract Award Methods for Bond Construction Projects Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer and James Watson, Executive Director of Operations L. Action Consider Approval of Proposals Received for Bond Construction Projects Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer and James Watson, Executive Director of Operations
11. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Presenter: Dr. John Villarreal, Superintendent, Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer, Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resources, Sara Bonser, Chief Academic Officer A. Minutes of Regular Session held on March 20, 2017 and a Work Session held on April 3, 2017 Presenter: Dr. John Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools B. March Quarterly Investment Report Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer C. April Budget Amendments Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Finance Officer D. Personnel (Executive Session may be called under the authority of the Texas Government Code Section 551.074) i. Resignations of Personnel ii. Employment of Personnel Presenter: Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resources E. Consider Approval of Instructional Materials Allotment and TEKS Certification Presenter: Sara Bonser, Chief Academic Officer F. Consider Approval of the Inter-local Agreement with Region 11 Education Service Center Purchasing Cooperative Presenter: Sara Bonser, Chief Academic Officer G. Consider Approval of Eastfield Community College Cooperative Agreements Presenter: Sara Bonser, Chief Academic Officer H. Consider Approval of UT OnRamps Dual Credit Cooperative Agreement Presenter: Sara Bonser, Chief Academic Officer 12. ADJOURNMENT Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees
1. CALL TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH QUORUM Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees 3. PLEDGES OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees
RECOGNITION Presenter: Dr. John Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools A. Recognize Rockwall High School Student who has been accepted to the United States Naval Academy B. Recognize Rockwall High School Student who has been accepted to the United States Air Force Academy C. Recognize Career-Technology Education (CTE) Agriculture Students Presenter: Jean Laswell, CTE Coordinator D. Recognize the Rockwall ISD Finance Department for Receiving the Association of School Business Officials (ASBO) International Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting for the Fiscal Year Ending 2016 Presenter: Renae Murphy, Chief Communication Officer E. Recognize Rockwall ISD Leadership Academy Class of 2017 Presenter: Renae Murphy, Chief Communication Officer F. Recognize Educational Foundation 2017 Spring Grant Recipients Presenter: Ashlei Neill, Foundation Director
8B. Action Consideration of Employment of Principal for Dorothy Smith Pullen Elementary Schools Presenter: Dr. Amy Anderson, Chief Administrative Officer, Elementary 8C. Action Consideration of Employment of Principal for Maurine Cain Middle School Presenter: Billy Pringle, Chief Administrative Office, Secondary
TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Presenter: Dr. Donna Fisher, Chief Technology Officer A. Action Consideration of Employment for Executive Director of Technology Presenter: Dr. Donna Fisher, Chief Technology Officer
PRESIDENT"S REPORT Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees A. Action Consider Approval of the Superintendent's Evaluation Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees B. Action Consider Approval of the 2017-2018 Calendar Dates for the Board of Trustees Regulars Meetings and Work Sessions Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees
SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT Presenter: Dr. John Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools A. Action Consider Approval of the Date Change for June Work Session to be June 12, 2017 Presenter: Dr. John Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools B. Action Consider Approval of the Date Change for the June Regular Meeting to be June 26, 2017 Presenter: Dr. John Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools C. Information Superintendent's Report Presenter: Dr. John Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools
ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Presenter: Dr. Amy Anderson, Chief Administrative Officer, Elementary & Billy Pringle, Cheif Administrative Officer, Secondary A. Action Consider Approval of Texas Association of School Board's (TASB) Policy Manual Update 107 Presenter: Billy Pringle, Chief Administrative Officer, Secondary
FINANCE, OPERTIONS AND HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer A. Action Consider and Take Possible Action on Renewal and Extension of Employment Contracts Under Chapter 21 of the Texas Education Code for Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Media Specialists, and Nurses Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer B. Action Consider and Take Possible Action on Renewal of Employment Contract for Non-Chapter 21 Personnel Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer C. Action Consider All Matters Incident and Related to the Issuance and Sale of "Rockwall Independent School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2017", Establishing Parameters for the Sale and Issuance of Such Bonds and Delegating Certain Matters to Authorized Officials of the District. Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer D. Action Consider Approval of the Rockwall ISD Bank Depository Contract for Funds (RFP 1617.02- 003) Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer E. Action Consider Approval of Rockwall ISD Financial Audit Services Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer F. Action Consider Approval of the Rockwall ISD Health Center Non-extension of Agreement Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer G. Action Consider Approval of the Third Party Administrator for Employee Benefits Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer H. Action Consider Approval of Resolutions to Participate in ESC Region 10 Cooperatives for 403(b), 457 and 457(b) FICA Alternative Plans by Inter-local Agreements Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer I. Action Consider Approval of March Financial Report Presenter: Randy McDowelll, Chief Financial Officer J. Action Consider Approval of Awarding Bid for Rockwall-Heath High School Cooling Tower Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer and James Watson, Executive Director of Operations K. Consider Approval of Professional Services and Project Delivery/Contract Award Methods for Bond Construction Projects Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer and James Watson, Executive Director of Operations L. Action Consider Approval of Proposals Received for Bond Construction Projects Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer and James Watson, Executive Director of Operations
11. CONSIDER APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGENDA Presenter: Dr. John Villarreal, Superintendent, Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer, Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resources, Sara Bonser, Chief Academic Officer A. Minutes of Regular Session held on March 20, 2017 and a Work Session held on April 3, 2017 Presenter: Dr. John Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools B. March Quarterly Investment Report Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer C. April Budget Amendments Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Finance Officer D. Personnel (Executive Session may be called under the authority of the Texas Government Code Section 551.074) i. Resignations of Personnel ii. Employment of Personnel Presenter: Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resources E. Consider Approval of Instructional Materials Allotment and TEKS Certification Presenter: Sara Bonser, Chief Academic Officer F. Consider Approval of the Inter-local Agreement with Region 11 Education Service Center Purchasing Cooperative Presenter: Sara Bonser, Chief Academic Officer G. Consider Approval of Eastfield Community College Cooperative Agreements Presenter: Sara Bonser, Chief Academic Officer H. Consider Approval of UT OnRamps Dual Credit Cooperative Agreement Presenter: Sara Bonser, Chief Academic Officer 12. ADJOURNMENT Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees