1. CALL TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees 2. PLEDGES OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Presenter: Chris Cuny, Member, Board of Trustees
RECOGNITION Presenter: Dr. John Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools A. Recognition of the RISD Education Foundation's Elementary Robotics Competition Winners Presenter: Ashlei Neill, Rockwall ISD Foundation B. Recognition of Student for Perfect ACT Score Presenter: Matt Redman, Advanced Academics Coordinator C. Recognize District Elementary Stock Market Winners Presenter: Jennifer Leal, Gifted/Talented - K/5 Social Studies Coordinator D. Recognize the Board of Trustees for School Board Appreciation Month Presenter: Dr. John Villarreal, Superintendent & Renae Murphy, Chief Communication Officer
EXECUTIVE SESSION Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees A. Real Property To deliberate the purchased, exchange, lease, of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the Board's position in negotiations with a third person (Texas Government Code 551.072) B. Personnel To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, including Board members, or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee (Texas Government Code 551.074) (a) Superintendent Evaluation Instrument, Duties, Responsibilities and Evaluation of Superintendent C. Consultation with Attorney To consult with its attorney when the Board seeks advice about pending or contemplated litigation or a settlement offer, or when the attorney will have an ethical duty of confidentiality (Texas Government Code 551.071) (a) Consultation Regarding Civil Action No. 3:16-cv-03376-N, in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas, DynaStudy, Inc. v Rockwall Independent School District
SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT Presenter: Dr. John Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools A. Information Texas Association of School Administrators Midwinter Conference B. Information TASA/TASB Legislative Conference - February 21, 2017, in Austin, Texas
ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Presenter: Dr. Amy Anderson, Chief Administrative Officer/Elementary & Billy Pringle, Chief Administrative Officer/Secondary Information Linda Lyon Elementary School Update Presenter: Dr. Amy Anderson, Chief Academic Officer/Elementary
Action Consider Approval of the Order of Election and the Notice of Election for the May 6, 2017 Rockwall ISD Board of Trustee Election Presenter: Billy Pringle, Chief Administrative Officer/Secondary
CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT Presenter: Sara Bonser, Chief Academic Officer and Becky Prentice, Executive Director of Assessment & Accountability/Secondary Curriculum A. Information Texas Accountability Performance Report Presenter: Becky Prentice, Executive Director of Assessments & Accountability / Secondary Curriculum
FINANCE, OPERATIONS AND HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer Action: Consider Approval of Employment for the Construction Project Manager Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer
Action: Consider Approval of December Financial Report Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer
Information Update on the Rockwall ISD Health Center Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer
Action: Consider Approval of Engineering Services for Bond Construction Projects Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Finance Officer
CONSIDER APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGEND Presenter: Dr. John Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools, Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer and Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resources A. Minutes of Regular Session held on December 19, 2016 Presenter: Dr. John Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools B. December Quarterly Investment Report Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer C. Personnel (Executive Session may be called under the authority of the Texas Government Code Section 551.074) i. Resignations of Personnel Presenter: Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resources D. January Budget Amendments Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer
1. CALL TO ORDER AND ESTABLISH A QUORUM Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees 2. PLEDGES OF ALLEGIANCE AND INVOCATION Presenter: Chris Cuny, Member, Board of Trustees
RECOGNITION Presenter: Dr. John Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools A. Recognition of the RISD Education Foundation's Elementary Robotics Competition Winners Presenter: Ashlei Neill, Rockwall ISD Foundation B. Recognition of Student for Perfect ACT Score Presenter: Matt Redman, Advanced Academics Coordinator C. Recognize District Elementary Stock Market Winners Presenter: Jennifer Leal, Gifted/Talented - K/5 Social Studies Coordinator D. Recognize the Board of Trustees for School Board Appreciation Month Presenter: Dr. John Villarreal, Superintendent & Renae Murphy, Chief Communication Officer
EXECUTIVE SESSION Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees A. Real Property To deliberate the purchased, exchange, lease, of real property if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the Board's position in negotiations with a third person (Texas Government Code 551.072) B. Personnel To deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, including Board members, or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee (Texas Government Code 551.074) (a) Superintendent Evaluation Instrument, Duties, Responsibilities and Evaluation of Superintendent C. Consultation with Attorney To consult with its attorney when the Board seeks advice about pending or contemplated litigation or a settlement offer, or when the attorney will have an ethical duty of confidentiality (Texas Government Code 551.071) (a) Consultation Regarding Civil Action No. 3:16-cv-03376-N, in the United States District Court for the Northern District of Texas, DynaStudy, Inc. v Rockwall Independent School District
SUPERINTENDENT'S REPORT Presenter: Dr. John Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools A. Information Texas Association of School Administrators Midwinter Conference B. Information TASA/TASB Legislative Conference - February 21, 2017, in Austin, Texas
ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT Presenter: Dr. Amy Anderson, Chief Administrative Officer/Elementary & Billy Pringle, Chief Administrative Officer/Secondary Information Linda Lyon Elementary School Update Presenter: Dr. Amy Anderson, Chief Academic Officer/Elementary
Action Consider Approval of the Order of Election and the Notice of Election for the May 6, 2017 Rockwall ISD Board of Trustee Election Presenter: Billy Pringle, Chief Administrative Officer/Secondary
CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION DEPARTMENT Presenter: Sara Bonser, Chief Academic Officer and Becky Prentice, Executive Director of Assessment & Accountability/Secondary Curriculum A. Information Texas Accountability Performance Report Presenter: Becky Prentice, Executive Director of Assessments & Accountability / Secondary Curriculum
FINANCE, OPERATIONS AND HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer Action: Consider Approval of Employment for the Construction Project Manager Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer
Action: Consider Approval of December Financial Report Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer
Information Update on the Rockwall ISD Health Center Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer
Action: Consider Approval of Engineering Services for Bond Construction Projects Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Finance Officer
CONSIDER APPROVAL OF CONSENT AGEND Presenter: Dr. John Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools, Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer and Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resources A. Minutes of Regular Session held on December 19, 2016 Presenter: Dr. John Villarreal, Superintendent of Schools B. December Quarterly Investment Report Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer C. Personnel (Executive Session may be called under the authority of the Texas Government Code Section 551.074) i. Resignations of Personnel Presenter: Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resources D. January Budget Amendments Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer