1. Call to Order. Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees 2. Executive Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, Deliberation Regarding the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee. 1. Discuss Superintendent Search Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees
3. Reconvene Public Session. Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees 4. Discussion/Action Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Superintendent Search. Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees
1. Call to Order. Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees 2. Executive Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, Deliberation Regarding the Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, or Dismissal of a Public Officer or Employee. 1. Discuss Superintendent Search Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees
3. Reconvene Public Session. Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees 4. Discussion/Action Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Superintendent Search. Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees