1. Call to Order. Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees 4. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. Presenter: Chris Cuny, Member, Board of Trustees
Information Reports. Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools A.Rockwall ISD Board of Trustees Recognition. Presenter: Renae Murphy, Chief Communication Officer B.Parent Leadership Academy Graduates. Presenter: Renae Murphy, Chief Communication Officer C.Healthy Snack Competition - Rockwall ISD vs. Wylie ISD. Presenter: Laurin DeStefano, Physical Education/Health & Wellness Coordinator
6. Action Consider Approval of Consent Agenda. Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools, Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer, Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resources A. Minutes of Regular Session held on December 14, 2015 and Work Sessions held on December 7, 2015 and January 6, 2016. Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools B. Investment and Financial Report. Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer C. Personnel (Executive Session may be called under the authority of the Texas Government Code Section 551.084) a.Resignations of Personnel. b.Employment of Personnel. Presenter: Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resources D. Budget Amendments. Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer E. Acceptance of Donations to the District. Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools F.Consider Approval of Resolutions Adding Bryon Bryant, Director of Accounting, Budget and Software as an Authorized Representative and Signer on Rockwall ISD Investment Accounts at TexPool and Lone Star Investment Pool. Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer G.Consider Approval of Resolution Designating Byron Bryant, Director of Accounting, Budget and Software as an Investment Officer for the Rockwall ISD. Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer 7. Discussion/Action Consider Items Removed From Consent Agenda. Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees 8. Recognition of Guests. Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees
Information 2014-2015 Texas Accountability Performance Report.(Strategic Planning -Communication) Presenter: Becky Prentice, Executive Director of Assessment & Accountability / Secondary Curriculum
10.Discussion/Action Consider and Approve a Proposed Real Estate Contract By and Between the City of Heath, as Seller, and the Rockwall Independent School District, as the Purchaser, for the Sale of Approximately 15 Acres of Land for a Future School Site and a Resolution Related Thereto.(Strategic Plan -Funding) Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer ITEM WAS PULLED. 11.Discussion/Action Consider All Matters Incident and Related to the Issuance and Sale of "Rockwall Independent School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2016", including the Adoption of an Order Authorizing the Issuance of Such Bonds, Establishing Parameters for the Sale and Issuance of Such Bonds and Delegating Certain Matters to Authorized Officials of the District. Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer
Discussion/Action Consider Approval of Construction Manager at Risk for Construction Projects.(Strategic Plan Funding) Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer
Discussion/Action Consider Approval of the 2016-2017 School Calendar.(Strategic Plan-Communication) Presenter: Billy Pringle, Chief Administrative Officer - Secondary
Discussion/Action Consider Approval of the Order of Election and the Notice of Election for the May 7, 2016 Rockwall ISD Board of Trustee Election.(Strategic Plan -Communications) Presenter: Renae Murphy, Chief Communication Officer
15. Discussion/Action Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Superintendent Search. Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees ITEM PULLED. 16. Discussion Superintendent's Report. Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools Adjournment
1. Call to Order. Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees 4. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. Presenter: Chris Cuny, Member, Board of Trustees
Information Reports. Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools A.Rockwall ISD Board of Trustees Recognition. Presenter: Renae Murphy, Chief Communication Officer B.Parent Leadership Academy Graduates. Presenter: Renae Murphy, Chief Communication Officer C.Healthy Snack Competition - Rockwall ISD vs. Wylie ISD. Presenter: Laurin DeStefano, Physical Education/Health & Wellness Coordinator
6. Action Consider Approval of Consent Agenda. Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools, Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer, Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resources A. Minutes of Regular Session held on December 14, 2015 and Work Sessions held on December 7, 2015 and January 6, 2016. Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools B. Investment and Financial Report. Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer C. Personnel (Executive Session may be called under the authority of the Texas Government Code Section 551.084) a.Resignations of Personnel. b.Employment of Personnel. Presenter: Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resources D. Budget Amendments. Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer E. Acceptance of Donations to the District. Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools F.Consider Approval of Resolutions Adding Bryon Bryant, Director of Accounting, Budget and Software as an Authorized Representative and Signer on Rockwall ISD Investment Accounts at TexPool and Lone Star Investment Pool. Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer G.Consider Approval of Resolution Designating Byron Bryant, Director of Accounting, Budget and Software as an Investment Officer for the Rockwall ISD. Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer 7. Discussion/Action Consider Items Removed From Consent Agenda. Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees 8. Recognition of Guests. Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees
Information 2014-2015 Texas Accountability Performance Report.(Strategic Planning -Communication) Presenter: Becky Prentice, Executive Director of Assessment & Accountability / Secondary Curriculum
10.Discussion/Action Consider and Approve a Proposed Real Estate Contract By and Between the City of Heath, as Seller, and the Rockwall Independent School District, as the Purchaser, for the Sale of Approximately 15 Acres of Land for a Future School Site and a Resolution Related Thereto.(Strategic Plan -Funding) Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer ITEM WAS PULLED. 11.Discussion/Action Consider All Matters Incident and Related to the Issuance and Sale of "Rockwall Independent School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds, Series 2016", including the Adoption of an Order Authorizing the Issuance of Such Bonds, Establishing Parameters for the Sale and Issuance of Such Bonds and Delegating Certain Matters to Authorized Officials of the District. Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer
Discussion/Action Consider Approval of Construction Manager at Risk for Construction Projects.(Strategic Plan Funding) Presenter: Randy McDowell, Chief Financial Officer
Discussion/Action Consider Approval of the 2016-2017 School Calendar.(Strategic Plan-Communication) Presenter: Billy Pringle, Chief Administrative Officer - Secondary
Discussion/Action Consider Approval of the Order of Election and the Notice of Election for the May 7, 2016 Rockwall ISD Board of Trustee Election.(Strategic Plan -Communications) Presenter: Renae Murphy, Chief Communication Officer
15. Discussion/Action Consideration and Possible Action Regarding Superintendent Search. Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees ITEM PULLED. 16. Discussion Superintendent's Report. Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools Adjournment