1. Call to Order. Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President 4. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. Presenter: Stephanie Ad ams, Vice President, Board of Trustees
Election of Board of Trustees Secretary. Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees
Information Reports: Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools A. Recognize Jan Arrington and the Rockwall ISD Finance Department for the Association of School Business Officials Award. Presenter: Richard Matkin, Interim Chief Financia l Officer B. Summer Program Report. Presenter: Becky Prentice, Executive Director of Assessments & Accountability/Secondary Curriculum C. American Heart Association Fit Friendly. Presenter: Sara Bonser, Chief Academic Officer
Consider Approval of Consent Agenda. Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools, Richard Matkin, Interim Chief Financial Officer, Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resources, , Bart Rosebure, Director of Safety & Security, Renae Murphy, Chief Communication Officer A. Minutes of Regular Session held on June 1, 2015 and a Work Session held on August 3, 2015. Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools B. Investment and Financial Reports. Presenter: Richard Matkin, Interim Chief Financial Officer C. Personnel (Executive Session may be called under the authority of the Te xas Government Code Section 551.074). i. Resignations of Personnel ii. Employment of Personnel Presenter: Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resources D. Budget Amendment. Presenter: Richard Matkin, Interim Chief Financial Officer E. Acceptance of Donations to the District. Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools F. Consider Approval of Inter - local Agreements with the City of Fate, City of Heath, City of Rockwall and City of Rowlett for the School Resource Officer (SRO's) for the 2015 - 2106 School Year. Presenter: Bart Ros ebure, Director of Safety & Security G. Consi der Approval of the Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS) Calendar and the List of Qualified Appraisers. Presenter: Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resourcs H. Consider Approval of the School Health Advisory Council Membership (SHAC). Presenter: Renae Murphy, Chief Communication Office I. Consider Approval of the Concussion Oversight Team for the Rockwall ISD for the 2015 - 2016 School Year. Presenter: Renae Muryphy, Chief Communication Officer J. Consider Approval of Texas Association of School Board Policies Related to Title IX Designations on the First and Final Reading. • DIA(Local) Employee Welfare Freedom From Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliati on • FB(Local) Equal Educational Opportunity • FFH(Local) Student Welfare Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Presenter: Renae Murphy, Chief Communication Officer K. Consider Resolution to Designate Backup Submitters for Processing TEASE/TEAL Requests. Presenter: Richard Matkin, Interim Chief Financial Officer
Discussion/Action Consider Approval of a Wealth Equalization Plan for the 2015 - 2016 School Year in Accordance with Chapter 41 of the Texas Education Code. (Strategic Plan - Funding) Presenter: Richard Matkin, Interim, Chief Financial Officer
Report High School Equivalency Program. Presenter: Billy Pringle, Chief Administrative Officer - Secondary
Discussion/Action Consider Approval of Attendance Waver for Quest Academy. (Strategic Plan - Funding) Presenter: Billy Pringl e, Chief Administrative Officer - Secondary
Discussion/Action Consider Approval of the 2015 - 2016 Student Code of Conduct. (Strategic Plan - Governance) Presenter: Dr. Shelley Garrett, Director of Student and Family Services
Assign General Operating Fund Balance for the Use of Technology Capital Projects. Presenter: Richard Matkin, Interim Chief Financial Officer
Discussion/Action Consider all Matters Incident and Related to the Adoption of an Order Calling a Bond Election to be Held in the District on November 3, 2015 Including the Ado ption of an Order Pertaining Thereto. Presenter: Richard Matkin, Interim, Chief Financial Officer
1. Call to Order. Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President 4. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. Presenter: Stephanie Ad ams, Vice President, Board of Trustees
Election of Board of Trustees Secretary. Presenter: Linda Mitchell Duran, President, Board of Trustees
Information Reports: Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools A. Recognize Jan Arrington and the Rockwall ISD Finance Department for the Association of School Business Officials Award. Presenter: Richard Matkin, Interim Chief Financia l Officer B. Summer Program Report. Presenter: Becky Prentice, Executive Director of Assessments & Accountability/Secondary Curriculum C. American Heart Association Fit Friendly. Presenter: Sara Bonser, Chief Academic Officer
Consider Approval of Consent Agenda. Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools, Richard Matkin, Interim Chief Financial Officer, Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resources, , Bart Rosebure, Director of Safety & Security, Renae Murphy, Chief Communication Officer A. Minutes of Regular Session held on June 1, 2015 and a Work Session held on August 3, 2015. Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools B. Investment and Financial Reports. Presenter: Richard Matkin, Interim Chief Financial Officer C. Personnel (Executive Session may be called under the authority of the Te xas Government Code Section 551.074). i. Resignations of Personnel ii. Employment of Personnel Presenter: Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resources D. Budget Amendment. Presenter: Richard Matkin, Interim Chief Financial Officer E. Acceptance of Donations to the District. Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools F. Consider Approval of Inter - local Agreements with the City of Fate, City of Heath, City of Rockwall and City of Rowlett for the School Resource Officer (SRO's) for the 2015 - 2106 School Year. Presenter: Bart Ros ebure, Director of Safety & Security G. Consi der Approval of the Professional Development and Appraisal System (PDAS) Calendar and the List of Qualified Appraisers. Presenter: Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resourcs H. Consider Approval of the School Health Advisory Council Membership (SHAC). Presenter: Renae Murphy, Chief Communication Office I. Consider Approval of the Concussion Oversight Team for the Rockwall ISD for the 2015 - 2016 School Year. Presenter: Renae Muryphy, Chief Communication Officer J. Consider Approval of Texas Association of School Board Policies Related to Title IX Designations on the First and Final Reading. • DIA(Local) Employee Welfare Freedom From Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliati on • FB(Local) Equal Educational Opportunity • FFH(Local) Student Welfare Freedom from Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation Presenter: Renae Murphy, Chief Communication Officer K. Consider Resolution to Designate Backup Submitters for Processing TEASE/TEAL Requests. Presenter: Richard Matkin, Interim Chief Financial Officer
Discussion/Action Consider Approval of a Wealth Equalization Plan for the 2015 - 2016 School Year in Accordance with Chapter 41 of the Texas Education Code. (Strategic Plan - Funding) Presenter: Richard Matkin, Interim, Chief Financial Officer
Report High School Equivalency Program. Presenter: Billy Pringle, Chief Administrative Officer - Secondary
Discussion/Action Consider Approval of Attendance Waver for Quest Academy. (Strategic Plan - Funding) Presenter: Billy Pringl e, Chief Administrative Officer - Secondary
Discussion/Action Consider Approval of the 2015 - 2016 Student Code of Conduct. (Strategic Plan - Governance) Presenter: Dr. Shelley Garrett, Director of Student and Family Services
Assign General Operating Fund Balance for the Use of Technology Capital Projects. Presenter: Richard Matkin, Interim Chief Financial Officer
Discussion/Action Consider all Matters Incident and Related to the Adoption of an Order Calling a Bond Election to be Held in the District on November 3, 2015 Including the Ado ption of an Order Pertaining Thereto. Presenter: Richard Matkin, Interim, Chief Financial Officer