1. Call to Order. Presenter: Linda Duran, Vice-President, Board of Trustees 3. Reconvene Public Session (7:30 p.m.) Presenter: Linda Duran,Vice- President, Board of Trustees 4. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. Presenter: Mrs. Stephanie Adams, Secretary, Board of Trustees
Information Reports. Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools A. Rockwall ISD Board of Trustees Recognition. Presenter: James VanDyke, Interim, Chief Information Officer B. Silver Hawk and Silver Jacket Club. Presenter: James VanDyke, Interim Chief Information Officer C. 5th and 6th Grade Stock Market Game Winners. Presenter: Jennifer Leal, G/T/K-5 Social Studies Coordinator
Action Consider Approval of Consent Agenda. Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools, Mike Ball, Chief Financial Officer, Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resources A. Minutes of Regular Session held on December 15, 2014 and Executive Session on January 6, 2015. Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools B. Investment and Financial Report. Presenter: Mike Ball, Chief Financial Officer C. Personnel (Executive Session may be called under the authority of the Texas Government Code Section 551.074). i. Resignations of Personnel ii. Employment of Personnel Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools D. Budget Amendment. Presenter: Mike Ball, Chief Financial Officer E. Acceptance of Donations to the District. Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools
Discussion/Action Consider Approval of Texas Association of School Board Policy Manual Update 101 on the First Reading. (Strategic Plan - Communication) Presenter: Sara Bonser, Chief Administrative Officer
Report Rockwall ISD Longitudinal Drop-Out Report. (Strategic Plan-Communication) Presenter: Dr. Shelley Garrett, Director of Student & Family Services
Information 2013-2014 Texas Academic Performance Report. (Strategic Plan - Communication) Presenter: Becky Prentice, Executive Director of Assessment & Accountability/Secondary Curriculum
Discussion 2015-2016 Budget Development Calendar. Presenter: Mike Ball, Chief Financial Officer
Discussion/Action Consider Approval of the 2015-2016 School Calendar. (Strategic Plan- Communication) Presenter: James VanDyke, Interim Chief Information Officer
Discussion/Action Consider Approval of the Order of Election and the Notice of Election for the May 9, 2015 Rockwall ISD Board of Trustee Election. (Strategic Plan - Communication) Presenter: James VanDyke, Interim Chief Information Officer
1. Call to Order. Presenter: Linda Duran, Vice-President, Board of Trustees 3. Reconvene Public Session (7:30 p.m.) Presenter: Linda Duran,Vice- President, Board of Trustees 4. Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. Presenter: Mrs. Stephanie Adams, Secretary, Board of Trustees
Information Reports. Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools A. Rockwall ISD Board of Trustees Recognition. Presenter: James VanDyke, Interim, Chief Information Officer B. Silver Hawk and Silver Jacket Club. Presenter: James VanDyke, Interim Chief Information Officer C. 5th and 6th Grade Stock Market Game Winners. Presenter: Jennifer Leal, G/T/K-5 Social Studies Coordinator
Action Consider Approval of Consent Agenda. Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools, Mike Ball, Chief Financial Officer, Mark Speck, Executive Director of Human Resources A. Minutes of Regular Session held on December 15, 2014 and Executive Session on January 6, 2015. Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools B. Investment and Financial Report. Presenter: Mike Ball, Chief Financial Officer C. Personnel (Executive Session may be called under the authority of the Texas Government Code Section 551.074). i. Resignations of Personnel ii. Employment of Personnel Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools D. Budget Amendment. Presenter: Mike Ball, Chief Financial Officer E. Acceptance of Donations to the District. Presenter: Jeff Bailey, Superintendent of Schools
Discussion/Action Consider Approval of Texas Association of School Board Policy Manual Update 101 on the First Reading. (Strategic Plan - Communication) Presenter: Sara Bonser, Chief Administrative Officer
Report Rockwall ISD Longitudinal Drop-Out Report. (Strategic Plan-Communication) Presenter: Dr. Shelley Garrett, Director of Student & Family Services
Information 2013-2014 Texas Academic Performance Report. (Strategic Plan - Communication) Presenter: Becky Prentice, Executive Director of Assessment & Accountability/Secondary Curriculum
Discussion 2015-2016 Budget Development Calendar. Presenter: Mike Ball, Chief Financial Officer
Discussion/Action Consider Approval of the 2015-2016 School Calendar. (Strategic Plan- Communication) Presenter: James VanDyke, Interim Chief Information Officer
Discussion/Action Consider Approval of the Order of Election and the Notice of Election for the May 9, 2015 Rockwall ISD Board of Trustee Election. (Strategic Plan - Communication) Presenter: James VanDyke, Interim Chief Information Officer